Not Too Late To Translate
Pen, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 2021
These works are a result of my interest in exploring language, communication and human relationships/behaviour. They were developed out of curiosity to explore the relationship between image and text – a subject which I have previously worked with in my Literature Series in 2016. I began looking at books that were discarded as my material. I was looking to say something, but I did not know what it was yet. Since I was unable to find words to express my thoughts, I seemed to have subconsciously picked them out of the books I was using to create redacted text and found poetry. The discovery of words by chance and their creative use were intriguing aspects of the process for me.
Not Too Late to Translate encompasses things that are left unsaid and words that are lost in translation. The blue text was collected from a survey on things left unsaid from over a hundred responses from strangers. The green text is redacted text from the pages itself.